
PySilSub is registered on PyPI, so the latest version can be installed easily via the pip packaging tool (this will also install the dependencies automatically):

$ pip install pysilsub

(link to the PyPI project page).

The latest development version can also be installed from GitHub with pip:

$ pip install git+

Alternatively, you can clone from from git and install with setuptools:

$ git clone pysilsub
$ cd pysilsub
$ python install

If you want to make changes to the code and have those changes instantly available on sys.path you can use setuptools’ develop mode:

$ python develop

Which is the same as doing an editable install with pip:

$ pip install -e


PySilSub requires Python (>=3.7), a set of standard numerical computing packages, and some plotting libraries:

  • numpy

  • scipy

  • matplotlib

  • pandas

  • importlib-resources

The colour-science package is an optional dependency that makes for pretty chromaticity horseshoe plots, but which requires Python >=3.7 and <=3.11.

  • colour-science

The following additional packages may also be helpful for development:

  • spyder

  • jupyterlab

All requirements can be installed by running pip install -r requirements.txt.

Virtual environments

Install PySilSub in a virtual environment. This can be done using either Python’s virtual environments or conda:

$ conda create -n pysilsub python=3.9
$ conda activate pysilsub
$ python install

Notes/Potential Issues

We are aware of the following:

  • Nothing major

Tables and indices